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Our new Peer to Peer module offers a new streamlined way for supporters to create their own fundraising initiatives on your behalf. If you have a data sync with Engaging Networks, you will probably want to reflect your fundraisers activities and progress in your CRM as they start making use of these tools.

The new module introduces a number of new transaction types, which should help you to keep track of changes on all levels of your Peer to Peer fundraising efforts. Many of the concepts are quite similar to other modules you may current mapped for. Donations are still attributed to pages, but the page structure has been expanded so donations can be attributed to different accounting levels of a peer-to-peer campaign. There are also a number of new concepts, which will be discussed here.

Peer to Peer structure#

A Peer to Peer effort starts with a 'site'. This is a campaign which is created at the account level, and determines the basic structure for the campaign. Each site allows the user to defines how participants can take part, and sets target levels for how much it is hoped will be raised by their efforts.

Some of the structural campaign details that are laid out by the account user are things like the target amount it is hoped might be achieved, whether participants should be able to register as individuals, or as part of teams. Whether participants join as individuals or as part of a team, they can also associate with an organization - such as a company, department or regional office to which their efforts can be attributed.

The sites can also offer different pre-set types of actions, which can offer fundraisers more flexibility in how they raise funds - for example, by taking part in memory of someone, running a marathon, baking a cake or whatever else can be thought up.

Once a participant is registered, and spreads the word about their participation, they should start to receive donations. These are are made to pages within the structure, either directly to an individual, to the team that individual is part of, to a site, or to the organization the supporter is affiliated with.


New Peer to Peer sites are created and managed at the account level from within the Engaging Networks dashboard. The dashboard users provide the fundraising goals of the site, add basic settings such as which donation pages or templates to use, as well as provide some default content for the various fundraising options. The settings provided at the site setup is used when new pages are created for fundraisers or teams registering to the site. Only the key details about the campaign will be available in the transactional data.

Overview of site object attributes readable from the transactional data#

ID Name Transaction Date Transaction Time Status Fundraising Goal Currency Participation Type Campaign Type
604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 2024-06-19 07:12:52 LIVE 5000000 GBP BOTH EVENT

The campaign type can be currently be either EVENT or DIY, and participants can take part as individuals (IND), or as individuals or as part of a team (BOTH).

When created by the user, a site is automatically given a status of NEW. Once the site is ready to accept registrations, the campaign status is changed to LIVE. Note the unique identifier, which should be used to keep tabs on any changes to e.g the fundraising goal, name or other details. Both new and changed transactions relating to a site will appear as PSTE transactions.

Some donations made to the campaign may also be directly attributed to the site rather than a page, particularly if the donations cannot be otherwise attributed (for example, cash or check donations).


Sites may also be associated with an Organization at the point when the first participant signs up to fundraiser as part of a company or organization. This facility can be enabled for participants registering for a site by adding a separate "Organization Handling" block to the Registration page. It can also be handled as just an option, or as a mandatory item depending on the requirements of the site.


A Peer to Peer site consists of many different pages that each help to drive engagement for the fundraising effort. While the overall fundraising targets for a Peer to Peer campaign is generally defined on the site level, each part of the structure may define their own targets to work towards. Donations are made to pages, which may belong to an individual, a team, an organization - and a site may also receive it's own donations.

The Page Identifier#

When a new participant registers, a new team is created, or a participant associates an organization with a site - a new page is created. The numerical page id issued for the page becomes a key to attributing donations and progress to the correct item in the fundraising structure.

Page updates#

Several transaction types are dedicated to indicate changes to the different page types.

  • IPPU: An individual page has been updated.
  • TPPU: A team page has been updated.
  • OPPU: An organization page has been updated.


  • Bob registers for the Peer-to-Peer site Carlisle Marathon Challenge, and the page identifier for his fundraising page becomes 2618.

  • Maria also registers for the Peer-to-Peer site Carlisle Marathon Challenge, but she creates a team called The Ave Marias, and becomes their Team Captain - Her Page ID is 2620, while The Ave Marias has a distinct page identifier of 2619.

  • Andrew registers for the Peer-to-Peer site Carlisle Marathon Challenge, but chooses to fundraise for the Mike’s Mechanics Company; He receives a page identifier of 2621, whereas Mike’s Mechanics (an associated Organization) receives it's own unique page identifier of 2622.

A summary of the new transaction types#

The table below illustrates how these transactional types could work to represent a Peer-to-Peer structure within an external CRM integrating with Engaging Networks.

Campaign Type Name Occurence Primary Use
PSTE Peer-to-Peer Site On creation or update of a site Representing a primary Peer-to-Peer campaign object. Within a CRM's data structure, this would represent a Peer-to-Peer site. The Site's name, fundraising goal and currency, structure (team options of (IND | BOTH) and type (EVENT | DIY) are indicated, allowing the primary campaign to be kept current and up to date. All fundraisers who register will belong to a parent site.
PFRP Peer-to-Peer Registration - Primary When a fundraiser registers. Indicates a fundraiser's registration, calling out the Page ID, Page Name, Site Id, Site Name. This will allow a CRM to setup a campaign representation for the fundraiser, against a site and link a CampaignMember + Contact record to it.
PPAY Peer-to-Peer Registration Payment When a fundraiser registers and pays for participation type. If the organization is running a site which requires a fundraiser to pay an initial amount to take part, then this transaction represents that payment for that participation type. Note that this payment would also help with ‘minimum commitment’ fundraising, where an organization sets an expectation upfront that the fundraiser will need to meet a minimum fundraising commitment.
PACS Peer-to-Peer Self Additional Donation When a fundraiser registers and chooses to make an additional donation (single). During the registration, a fundraiser can choose to make an additional donation. Fundraisers who make donations to themselves are often seen as more committed to the fundraising efforts and have a greater chance of being more engaged. Note that Engaging Networks processes *one payment* to the gateway during registration, which means that the transaction id will be the same for both the registration payment *and* the additional donation, even though they are represented separately in this data.
PFTC Peer-to-Peer Team Create When a team is created. When a team is created at the site level, this row indicates this occurrence - and allows the CRM to create a team page representation. Notable values includes the team’s page id, page name, team goal, site id and site name.
PFTA Peer-to-Peer Team Member Addition When a member joins a team. When a team captain/member is added to a team, this data can allow a CRM to roll members of a team onto the team page representation. Notable values includes the page id of the fundraiser, and whether this fundraiser is the captain or an ordinary member of the team. During registration, if a fundraiser decides to create a team, expect both the Team Create and Team Member Addition row to be indicated.
PFTE Peer-to-Peer Team Member Exit When a member leaves a team. When a team captain or member is removed from a team, this data can allow the CRM to remove these fundraisers from the team page representation.
PORG Peer-to-Peer Organization When an organization is created at the account level. Organizations (such as Companies, Departments, etc.) are created at the account level, and can be enabled for sites through registration selection options. These entities exist at the account level, and once associated with a specific site, they are assigned a page ID corresponding to that particular site. As each organization has its own ID at the account level, associated pages roll up to enable cross-site and year-on-year reporting of organizational data.
PFOC Peer-to-Peer Site Organization Create When an organization is associated in a site. When an organization is associated at the site level, the data in this row indicates this occurrence and allows the CRM to create an organizational page representation. Notable values includes the page id, site id and site name, organization entity name and id as well as the campaign's goal pulled from the account level. It is important to understand that at the site level, this page is a reflection of the *account level* entity. This means that the values are a snapshot of the default values from the account object.
PFOA Peer-to-Peer Site Organization Association When a team or fundraiser is linked to a site’s organization page. When a team, team captain/member or fundraiser select the organization, this row allows the CRM to roll page identifiers to the organization’s page representation.
PFOE Peer-to-Peer Site Organization Exit When a team or fundraiser leaves a site’s organization page. When a page is unassociated from an organizations page, this row allows the CRM to remove the relevant page from the organization’s page representation.
TPPU Team Peer-to-Peer Page Update A team captain updates the team’s page in the fundraisers dashboard Inside the fundraisers dashboard, when a team captain saves the team page details (which include goal, team story, title etc) this rows allows the CRM to keep updated details of the team’s page. A good example here would be goal - if the team’s page goal changes, this can be additionally reflected in the CRM.
IPPU Individual Peer-to-Peer Page Update When a fundraiser updates their page in the fundraisers dashboard Inside the fundraisers dashboard, when a fundraiser (which could include a captain, member or individual) saves the team page details this rows allows the CRM to keep updated details of the fundraiser’s page. A good example here would be goal - if the fundraiser updates their goal, this can be additionally reflected in the CRM.
OPPU Organization Peer-to-Peer Page Update When an administrator updates the organization’s page, at the site level. From the administrator tile, when an administrator updates the site page details, this rows allows the CRM to keep updated details of the organization’s page . Note that organization pages are not accessible to fundraisers. They are currently controlled by administrators.
PFCS Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Card - Single When a donation is made as a single gift A donor making a single gift. Notable values includes the page id of the fundraiser that his gift should be associated with. As this is the page id, this could link either a site’s organization page, team page, team captain/member page or a fundraiser’s page.
PFCR Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Card - Recurring When a donation is made as a recurring gift. A donor making a recurring gift. Notable values includes the page id of the fundraiser that his gift should be associated with. As this is the page id, this could link either a site’s organization page, team page, team captain/member page or a fundraiser’s page.
PFCA Peer-to-Peer Fundraising - Cash When a donation is made as a offline cash gift. A site administrator or donor adds a record of a single cash gift. Notable values includes the page id of the fundraiser that his gift should be associated with. As this is the page id, this could link either a site’s organization page, team page, team captain/member page or a fundraiser’s page.
PFCH Peer-to-Peer Fundraising - Check When a donation is made as a offline check gift. A site administrator or donor adds a record of a single check gift. Notable values includes the page id of the fundraiser that his gift should be associated with. As this is the page id, this could link either a site’s organization page, team page, team captain/member page or a fundraiser’s page.
PRFD Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Refund - Single/Recurring When a donation is refunded. A site administrator notes a donation as refunded.
PFIM Peer-to-Peer Fundraising - In Memoriam When a donation includes 'In Memory' information. When a donor indicates that the gift is made in memory of a person, then this additional row indicates the individuals details. The Opportunity in Salesforce, or similar object in CRM can be updated to reflect a tribute gift and the Honoree Name being written to the sObject. Note that this row should not be used to represent a transaction - even though it has donation data included.
PITM Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Premium Item When a fundraiser accepts or declines a premium reward in their fundraisers dashboard. Allows Salesforce / CRM to keep track of premium rewards that have been accepted and/or declined for fulfillment purposes.


In the examples used in this document we assume that an export type of "standardcsv" is being used, however we have only included the columns relevant for the particular transaction types in question.

A dashboard user creates a new Site#

The transaction type PSTE is generated whenever a site is either created or updated by a dashboard user. For our examples we create a new site named 'Carlisle Marathon Challenge'.

Account ID Supporter ID Supporter Email Date Created Date Modified Campaign Number Campaign Type Campaign ID Campaign Date Campaign Time Campaign Status Campaign Data 1 Campaign Data 2 Campaign Data 3 Campaign Data 4 Campaign Data 5 Campaign Data 6 Campaign Data 7
94 0 604 PSTE Carlisle Marathon Challenge 2024-05-13 07:03:05 NEW 5000000 GBP BOTH EVENT

We can expect the Campaign Status to stay as NEW until the site is ready to launch. As the PSTE transaction type is generated for both create and update actions, once the site owner changes the status to LIVE, a new PSTE transaction record will be generated. This would also reflect any other changes made to the basic details about the site, for example the fundraising goal, the site's name and so on.

A dashboard user creates a new Organization#

The transaction type PORG is generated whenever a dashboard user creates or modifies an organization. The record includes details about the organization as well as it's type.

Account ID Supporter ID Supporter Email Date Created Date Modified Campaign Number Campaign Type Campaign ID Campaign Date Campaign Time Campaign Status Campaign Data 1 Campaign Data 2 Campaign Data 3 Campaign Data 4 Campaign Data 5 Campaign Data 6 Campaign Data 7 Campaign Data 8 Campaign Data 9
94 0 152 PORG Mike's Mechanics 2024-05-13 09:07:46 new 0 Company 29

The organization hiarchy can be represented as a tree of organizations, where the root is the client account. Organization are linked to the branch above with a parentId, which is simply the unique identifier of another Organization object. The Organization objects can be categorised into Organization Types, which together allows for flexibility in how the Organization structure is created. The 'Organization Type' is a root level entity.

Participant Registrations#

When participants register to fundraise with a site, a number of transactions may be created depending on the choices made during registration. The registration process links the supporter as a participant with the site, and creates a unique fundraiser page personal to the participant. Depending on how the fundraiser wants to take part, e.g whether they are joining as an individual, as part of a team - or creating a new team - with or without colleagues in an organization a number of additional pages are also created.

If we try to reproduce a timeline for our earier example, we can see different sets of transactions emerging depending on what kind of choices the participant makes during sign-up:

For example:

  • Bob registers for the Peer-to-Peer site Carlisle Marathon Challenge, and the page identifier for his fundraising page becomes 2618.
Account ID Supporter ID Supporter Email Date Created Date Modified Campaign Number Campaign Type Campaign ID Campaign Date Campaign Time Campaign Status Campaign Data 1 Campaign Data 2 Campaign Data 3 Campaign Data 4 Campaign Data 5 Campaign Data 6 Campaign Data 7 Campaign Data 8 Campaign Data 9 Campaign Data 10 Campaign Data 11 Campaign Data 12 Campaign Data 13 Campaign Data 14
94 5164226 2024-05-20 2618 PFRP Bob M 2024-05-20 07:04:05 604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 1976 Bob M N 5164226
  • Maria also registers for the Peer-to-Peer site Carlisle Marathon Challenge, but she creates a team called The Ave Marias, and becomes their Team Captain - Her Page ID is 2620, while The Ave Marias has a distinct page identifier of 2619.
Account ID Supporter ID Supporter Email Date Created Date Modified Campaign Number Campaign Type Campaign ID Campaign Date Campaign Time Campaign Status Campaign Data 1 Campaign Data 2 Campaign Data 3 Campaign Data 4 Campaign Data 5 Campaign Data 6 Campaign Data 7 Campaign Data 8 Campaign Data 9 Campaign Data 10 Campaign Data 11 Campaign Data 12 Campaign Data 13 Campaign Data 14
94 5164427 2024-05-25 2619 PFTC The Ave Marias 2024-05-25 07:05:18 Team created 604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 5000 Maria M nan Y The Ave Marias
94 5164427 2024-05-25 2620 PFRP Maria M 2024-05-25 07:05:18 nan 604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 1977 Maria M nan Y The Ave Marias 5164427
94 5164427 2024-05-25 2619 PFTA The Ave Marias 2024-05-25 07:05:18 Team member added 604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 1977 2620 nan Maria M Team Captain Y The Ave Marias
  • Andrew registers for the Peer-to-Peer site Carlisle Marathon Challenge, but chooses to fundraise for the Mike’s Mechanics Company; He receives a page identifier of 2621, whereas Mike’s Mechanics (an associated Organization) receives it's own unique page identifier of 2622.
Account ID Supporter ID Supporter Email Date Created Date Modified Campaign Number Campaign Type Campaign ID Campaign Date Campaign Time Campaign Status Campaign Data 1 Campaign Data 2 Campaign Data 3 Campaign Data 4 Campaign Data 5 Campaign Data 6 Campaign Data 7 Campaign Data 8 Campaign Data 9 Campaign Data 10 Campaign Data 11 Campaign Data 12 Campaign Data 13 Campaign Data 14
94 5164558 2024-06-01 2621 PFRP Andrew M 2024-06-01 07:09:47 604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 1978 Andrew M nan N 5164558
94 0 2622 PFOC Mike's Mechanics 2024-06-01 07:09:47 Organization associated 604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 5000 152 Mike's Mechanics nan 29
94 0 152 PFOA Andrew M 2024-06-01 07:09:47 Member associated 604 Carlisle Marathon Challenge 1978 2621 152 Mike's Mechanics Team Member 29

We see that unique page identifiers are provided for the individual fundraisers, teams, as well as to organizations. Donors can give to pages at any level of this structure, and the funds will be attributed accordingly.

This structure should allow an integrated system to create objects representing fundraising for each distinct page, and to establish connections between sites, organizations, individuals, teams, and teams members.