About these services#
The import and export services can be used to synchronise data between Engaging Networks and an external CRM.
- You can find the full list of available calls and their parameters here
Getting access to the required token#
Accessing these services requires the use of a 'private' token, which can be managed from the account dashboard under Account Settings → Tokens. The private token is linked to an account dashboard user, so the data permissions assigned to the user via their permission group will determine which data the token is able to see.
Protect your data
A private token must be handled securely, as it can provide access to supporter data.
Available services#
The services are intended to be used for data exchanges where volumes of data need to be transferred at once, and are separated by the direction of traffic.
Import Service#
The import service allows two primary types of import to be carried out:
- Supporter data, using a previously saved format created using the dashboard import tools, and;
- Transactional data, using a pre-defined fixed format.
More details on how to use this service can be explored in more detail here
Export Service#
The export service allows the retrieval of transactional data for a given window of time, up to the last 32 days. The service provides data in standard formats such as XML or CSV, for use in your own data integrations. The service can be explored in more detail here
Reference Materials#
- A description of the import format used for transactions
. - A CSV format used for exported transactional data