Occurence: A transaction is generated for each target contact reached when a supporter submits messages to contacts found through an Advocacy page set up as type 'X Post to Target'. As a target action may return multiple contacts, this can result in multiple transactions being generated for a single page submission.
Key data: The campaign status indicates if the 'Post' button has been clicked to reach a target returned by the page. Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly determine if a supporter continued to actually post a message on X, as this is an external service.
Details about the target contact reached are First name, Last name and Organization only, as provided by the contact record returned by the page.
Export file columns#
Account ID#
Identifies the subaccount this item belongs to
Example: 94
Supporter ID#
The unique numerical database identifier for a supporter.
Example: 212200
Default: 0
Supporter Email#
The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated.
<= 500 characters
Date Created#
The date a supporter was created. [ISO 8601 format date]
Example: 2024-12-01
Date Modified#
The date a supporter was last modified. [ISO 8601 format date]
Example: 2024-12-01
Campaign Number#
A unique identifier assigned to a page.
Example: 15314
Campaign Type#
Campaign ID#
The internal reference name given to a page.
<= 160 characters
Campaign Status#
The status of the current transaction, recorded as either 'P' for Participated, or 'R' if a supporter only registered (but was not marked as having completed the action).'
Occurs as either:
R is a record of registration. In this context this means that the supporter had an intention to take action, but did not actually send a message.
P is a record of participation. In this context this means that a message was sent to an identified recipient.
Campaign Data 1#
The first name of a contact - provided by the target record
<= 100 characters
Example: Otto
Campaign Data 2#
The last name of a contact - provided by the target record
<= 100 characters
Example: Parlamentarier
Campaign Data 3#
<= 100 characters
The organization of a contact. This is typically the name of a constituency, an organisation or local area
Example: North Constituency
Campaign Data 4#
The name of an associated contact list
Example: UK / English: Westminster MP
Campaign Data 5#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 6#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 7#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 8#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 9#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 10#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 11#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 12#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 13#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 14#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 15#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 16#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 17#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 18#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 19#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 20#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 21#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 22#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 23#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 24#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 25#
Any additional comments submitted by the user to accompany this transaction.
<= 4000 characters
Example: I suffer from this illness, and would be happy to share my story if it could help.
Campaign Data 26#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 27#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 28#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 29#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 30#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 31#
The database identifier of a supporter who has been identified as the referrer for this transaction
Example: 5348788
Campaign Data 32#
Details about the user agent used when submitting the content. The string consists of key/value pairs that are separated by a ~ (tilde) character.
mobile: N or Y depending on whether the user agent identifies as a mobile device. tablet: N or Y depending on whether the user agent identifies as a type of device classed as a 'tablet'. device: The manufacturer of the type of device used by the user agent. os: The underlying operating system of a user agent. browser: The type of web-browser that was used.
Example: mobile:N~tablet:N~device:APPLE~os:Mac OS X~browser:Firefox 11
Campaign Data 33#
A URL identified as the referral origin for this transaction
Campaign Data 34#
Used to note the origin of incoming page traffic, and is typically passed in links to pages using the query parameter
<= 300 characters
Example: linkshare
Campaign Data 35#
An appeal code assigned to this submission.
The code can be considered transactional as it is typically submitted as part of a page submission and associated with the page transaction, however the 'latest' appeal code applied to any supporter submission is also held on the supporter's record.
<= 300 characters
Example: EOY
External Reference 1#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_source or by the generic parameter en_txn1. Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 2#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_medium or by the generic parameter en_txn2. Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 3#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_campaign or by the generic parameter en_txn3. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 4#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_content or by the generic parameter en_txn4. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 5#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_term or by the generic parameter en_txn5. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 6#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn6. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 1 in the dashboard settings.
If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 7#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn7. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 2 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 8#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn8. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 3 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 9#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn9. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 4 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
External Reference 10#
When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn10. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 5 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated.
<= 100 characters
Email Address#
The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated.
<= 500 characters
A supporter's title to be used in salutations
<= 50 characters
Example: Dr
First Name#
A supporter's first name
<= 500 characters
Example: Otto
Middle Name#
A supporter's middle name
<= 500 characters
Example: Niemand
Last Name#
A supporter's last name
<= 500 characters
Example: Normalverbraucher
Address 1#
The first line of the supporter's address
<= 1000 characters
Address 2#
The second line of the supporter's address
<= 1000 characters
Address 3#
The third line of the supporter's address
<= 1000 characters
The city in a supporter's address
<= 500 characters
Example: Musterstadt
The supporter's region, state, county, province or similar
<= 500 characters
Example: Musterregion
The supporter's country
<= 500 characters
Example: DE
Phone Number#
The primary phone number for a supporter
<= 200 characters
Example: +49 4066969123