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Peer-to-Peer Fee Purchase#

Occurence: A fundraises has paid a registration fee to take part in a Peer-to-Peer campaign.

Key Data:

Export file columns#

Account ID#

Identifies the subaccount this item belongs to

Example: 94

Supporter ID#

The unique numerical database identifier for a supporter.

Example: 212200 Default: 0

Supporter Email#

The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated. <= 500 characters


Date Created#

The date a supporter was created. [ISO 8601 format date]

Example: 2024-12-01

Date Modified#

The date a supporter was last modified. [ISO 8601 format date]

Example: 2024-12-01

Campaign Number#

The database identifier used to refer to a campaign

Example: 3883

Campaign Type#


Campaign ID#

Peer-to-Peer Campaign Reference Name <= 160 characters

Example: Runaround Challenge

Campaign Status#

Describes the status of a transaction, as reported by a payment gateway (if applicable).

Allowed values:

success reject

Campaign Data 1#

The database identifier assigned to a fundraising transaction.

Example: 4913255

Campaign Data 2#

The transaction identifier as provided by a payment gateway. If the current transaction is a refund, then this identifier points back to the transaction being refunded. The specific formatting of the identifier will be dependent on the gateway.

Example: ND8390T284740397745210972__cus_O20rrZCTq8iTpw__ch_3NFwqEHh8CrK50QS1uUEXjck

Campaign Data 3#

Any message, including error codes provided by a payment gateway if a transaction is rejected. Refer to the documentation provided by the relevant payment gateway for details.

Example: The card type provided is not supported for this transaction

Campaign Data 4#

An amount presented as a decimal number without any currency symbols. This amount may be omitted for pagetypes where the amount to be processed by a payment gateway needs to be calculated, for example when purchasing tickets for events or certain types of symbolic gifts.

Example: 5.0

Campaign Data 5#

The ISO 4217 code of the currency used for this transaction. Currency support is gateway dependent, so be sure to check with your designated payment gateway that the selected currency is supported.

Example: GBP

Campaign Data 6#

Passed as a value or determined by a payment gateway, this describes the payment type to use for the transaction. Valid types may vary depending on the payment gateway used. Some payment types, e.g CASH, CHECK or WIRE may be used to indicate offline donation, or to process 'free' items. Such donations will not be possible to reconcile with an external payment gateway. In output, the prefix TEST: indicates a transaction carried out in a DEMO mode. These transactions should also not be considered for reconciliation purposes. The prefix digitalwallet: is added if the payment was made using a digital wallet integration. <= 50 characters

Allowed values:

Venmo cartes_bancaires Master card American Express AMEX-SSL diners Discover DI Visa electron JCB DELTA MC ECMC-SSL VI MASTERCARD Visa VISA VISA-SSL AMEX AMX unionpay discover AX CASH CHECK WIRE wire eCheck en_bank unknown Bank BANK Checking Savings EC EFT PayPal DDT ACHEFT ACH ach BACS SEPA bacs_debit sepa_debit Direct Debit DAF refund

Example: VISA

Campaign Data 7#

Transaction Frequency. This will always be 'S' for single transactions.S

Campaign Data 8#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 9#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 10#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 11#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 12#

The name of the payment gateway implementation used to process this payment. Payments made and recorded as the types CASH or CHECK may not hold any value here, as they do not require the involement of a payment gateway.

Occurs as either:

import The transaction was imported into the system from an external source, typically for reporting or segmentation purposes.

ACI Gateway

Bank Payment Gateway Used to handle payment details securely using an Encrypted Bank Store.

Chariot Gateway Used to handle donations commited to a Donor Advised Fund.

IATS North America

IATS United Kingdom

Moneris eSelect Canada

Moneris eSelect Vault Canada

Moneris eSelect Vault US

Optimal Payments Gateway Now known simply as Paysafe.

PayPal Gateway

PayPal One Touch

Payflow Gateway

RBS Gateway This payment gateway is now known simply as WorldPay

RSM Credit Card

RSM PDD Handles Paperless Direct Debit transactions submitted to RSM2000.

Stripe Gateway

Vantiv Gateway

Vantiv ACH Gateway

OFFLINE Recorded as having occured 'offline', typically reserved for cash or check type payments. Transactions originating from fundraisers using the Amplify dashboard may be attributed to this type.

Example: import

Campaign Data 13#

The card expiry date. The exact format is dependent on the payment gateway used to process the transaction. <= 8 characters

Example: 10/26

Campaign Data 14#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 15#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 16#

Peer-to-Peer Site Identifier

Example: 3543

Campaign Data 17#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 18#

Occurs as either:

The numerical identifier of the generated receipt for this transaction. If no receipt was generated, this will refer back to the database identifier of the transaction. Example: 414664

The database identifier assigned to a fundraising transaction. Example: 4913255

Campaign Data 19#

The name of the credit card holder, as printed on the card. <= 500 characters


Campaign Data 20#

The amount to be considered as a donation and not part of purchase.

Campaign Data 21#

Other 1: A client defined tagged field which can be used to store any additional data that may relate to the current transaction. <= 500 characters

Example: Text containing some information that could prove useful when we handle this transaction, for example additional notes from a supporter directly relating to this particular donation.

Campaign Data 22#

Other 2: A client defined tagged field which can be used to store any additional data that may relate to the current transaction. <= 500 characters

Example: Text containing some information that could prove useful when we handle this transaction, for example additional notes from a supporter directly relating to this particular donation.

Campaign Data 23#

Other 3: A client defined tagged field which can be used to store any additional data that may relate to the current transaction. <= 500 characters

Example: Text containing some information that could prove useful when we handle this transaction, for example additional notes from a supporter directly relating to this particular donation.

Campaign Data 24#

Other 4: A client defined tagged field which can be used to store any additional data that may relate to the current transaction. <= 500 characters

Example: Text containing some information that could prove useful when we handle this transaction, for example additional notes from a supporter directly relating to this particular donation.

Campaign Data 25#

Any additional comments submitted by the user to accompany this transaction. <= 4000 characters

Example: I suffer from this illness, and would be happy to share my story if it could help.

Campaign Data 26#

Amount in USD if available - use for reporting only - converted at the time of transaction

Example: 1.3

Campaign Data 27#

Amount in GBP if available - use for reporting only - converted at the time of transaction

Example: 1.0

Campaign Data 28#

Amount in EUR if available - use for reporting only - converted at the time of transaction

Example: 1.19

Campaign Data 29#

Amount in CAD if available - use for reporting only - converted at the time of transaction

Example: 1.77

Campaign Data 30#

Amount in AUD if available - use for reporting only - converted at the time of transaction

Example: 1.91

Campaign Data 31#

The database identifier of a supporter who has been identified as the referrer for this transaction

Example: 5348788

Campaign Data 32#

Details about the user agent used when submitting the content. The string consists of key/value pairs that are separated by a ~ (tilde) character.

mobile: N or Y depending on whether the user agent identifies as a mobile device. tablet: N or Y depending on whether the user agent identifies as a type of device classed as a 'tablet'. device: The manufacturer of the type of device used by the user agent. os: The underlying operating system of a user agent. browser: The type of web-browser that was used.

Example: mobile:N~tablet:N~device:APPLE~os:Mac OS X~browser:Firefox 11

Campaign Data 33#

A URL identified as the referral origin for this transaction


Campaign Data 34#

Used to note the origin of incoming page traffic, and is typically passed in links to pages using the query parameter <= 300 characters

Example: linkshare

Campaign Data 35#

An appeal code assigned to this submission.

The code can be considered transactional as it is typically submitted as part of a page submission and associated with the page transaction, however the 'latest' appeal code applied to any supporter submission is also held on the supporter's record. <= 300 characters

Example: EOY

External Reference 1#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_source or by the generic parameter en_txn1. Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 2#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_medium or by the generic parameter en_txn2. Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 3#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_campaign or by the generic parameter en_txn3. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 4#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_content or by the generic parameter en_txn4. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 5#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_term or by the generic parameter en_txn5. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 6#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn6. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 1 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 7#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn7. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 2 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 8#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn8. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 3 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 9#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn9. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 4 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

External Reference 10#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn10. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 5 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the three last characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated <= 100 characters

Origin Source#

The name of this origin source as specified by the user. The available Origin Sources can be managed through the Pages > Components > Origin Source section in the dashboard.

Example: ECF

Email Address#

The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated. <= 500 characters


First Name#

A supporter's first name <= 500 characters

Example: Otto

Middle Name#

A supporter's middle name <= 500 characters

Example: Niemand

Last Name#

A supporter's last name <= 500 characters

Example: Normalverbraucher

Address 1#

The first line of the supporter's address <= 1000 characters

Address 2#

The second line of the supporter's address <= 1000 characters

Address 3#

The third line of the supporter's address <= 1000 characters


The city in a supporter's address <= 500 characters

Example: Musterstadt


The supporter's region, state, county, province or similar <= 500 characters

Example: Musterregion


The supporter's country <= 500 characters

Example: DE

Phone Number#

The primary phone number for a supporter <= 200 characters

Example: +49 4066969123