Question Multiple Response#
Occurence: The term 'question' in this context refers to an additional input which can be used to collect data on a page. Rather than storing the data on the supporter's record, a question allows data to be collected transactionally.
A QMR transaction will be generated for any question type whenever a response is not equal to a single character response of either Y,N,P or D (case insensitive).
Co-occurence: Question responses are typically recorded together with any type of page submission, and responses can be linked directly to the page making the submission.
Key Data: The data may be collected using a variety of HTML types, such as radio, select, checkbox, text or textarea inputs etc. For any HTML types that would allow multiple answers, the values are typically recorded in a comma separated structure in the data column.
Export file columns#
Account ID#
Identifies the subaccount this item belongs to
Example: 94
Supporter ID#
The unique numerical database identifier for a supporter.
Example: 212200
Default: 0
Supporter Email#
The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated.
<= 500 characters
Example: otto.nv@example.com
Date Created#
The date a supporter was created. [ISO 8601 format date]
Example: 2024-12-01
Date Modified#
The date a supporter was last modified. [ISO 8601 format date]
Example: 2024-12-01
Campaign Number#
An identifier associated with a page. When working with bulk imports or migration of data, this is used as the unique identifier for a page.
Campaign Type#
Campaign ID#
The name given to this question in the dashboard.
<= 100 characters
Example: Opt-in EMAIL
Campaign Status#
'Y' indicates that the supporter provided any response. Y
Campaign Data 1#
The content recorded as a response for this entry. The type of question determines the maximum size of a response, 'GENERAL' questions are least restrictive and may contain up to 2000 characters of any data.
Note that some response values are reserved, and will generate QCB type transactions rather than QMR when output - regardless of the question type configured in the account.
<= 2000 characters
Example: Sent the email as requested.
Campaign Data 2#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 3#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 4#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 5#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 6#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 7#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 8#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 9#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 10#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 11#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 12#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 13#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 14#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 15#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 16#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 17#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 18#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 19#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 20#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 21#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 22#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 23#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 24#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 25#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 26#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 27#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 28#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 29#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 30#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 31#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 32#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 33#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 34#
No output for this transaction type.
Campaign Data 35#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 1#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 2#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 3#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 4#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 5#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 6#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 7#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 8#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 9#
No output for this transaction type.
External Reference 10#
No output for this transaction type.
Email Address#
The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated.
<= 500 characters
Example: otto.nv@example.com
A supporter's title to be used in salutations
<= 50 characters
Example: Dr
First Name#
A supporter's first name
<= 500 characters
Example: Otto
Middle Name#
A supporter's middle name
<= 500 characters
Example: Niemand
Last Name#
A supporter's last name
<= 500 characters
Example: Normalverbraucher
Address 1#
The first line of the supporter's address
<= 1000 characters
Address 2#
The second line of the supporter's address
<= 1000 characters
Address 3#
The third line of the supporter's address
<= 1000 characters
The city in a supporter's address
<= 500 characters
Example: Musterstadt
The supporter's region, state, county, province or similar
<= 500 characters
Example: Musterregion
The supporter's country
<= 500 characters
Example: DE
Phone Number#
The primary phone number for a supporter
<= 200 characters
Example: +49 4066969123