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Premium Item#

Occurence: Part of a donation process where the supporter is allowed to select a gift if their donation matches a particular criteria (e.g of a minimum amount).

Key Data: One row of data will be produced per matching 'FCS' or 'FCR' payment. Currently, a supporter can only choose one gift option. For example: A donation is made, and the supporter selects to receive a 'T-shirt'. This row indicates that the supporter selected the 't-shirt'. Additionally, this transaction can store the shipping details for fulfillment.

Export file columns#

Account ID#

Identifies the subaccount this item belongs to

Example: 94

Supporter ID#

The unique numerical database identifier for a supporter.

Example: 212200 Default: 0

Supporter Email#

The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated. <= 500 characters


Date Created#

The date a supporter was created. [ISO 8601 format date]

Example: 2024-12-01

Date Modified#

The date a supporter was last modified. [ISO 8601 format date]

Example: 2024-12-01

Campaign Number#

A unique database identifier used to refer to a page, particularly in transactional data. Where records in transactional data originate outside of a page structure, for example as a result of dashboard actions or imports, this will hold a value of 0. Default: 0

Example: 10122

Campaign Type#


Campaign ID#

The name given to this product.

Example: Umbrella

Campaign Status#

The assigned Stock Keeping Unit for this product.

Example: TP3

Campaign Data 1#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 2#

The internal reference name given to a page. <= 160 characters

Campaign Data 3#

The transaction identifier as provided by a payment gateway. If the current transaction is a refund, then this identifier points back to the transaction being refunded. The specific formatting of the identifier will be dependent on the gateway.

Example: ND8390T284740397745210972__cus_O20rrZCTq8iTpw__ch_3NFwqEHh8CrK50QS1uUEXjck

Campaign Data 4#

The price charged for this product.

Campaign Data 5#

Shipping Title <= 50 characters

Example: Dr

Campaign Data 6#

Shipping First Name <= 500 characters

Example: Otto

Campaign Data 7#

Shipping Last name <= 500 characters

Example: Normalverbraucher

Campaign Data 8#

Shipping Email <= 50 characters


Campaign Data 9#

Shipping Address 1 <= 1000 characters

Campaign Data 10#

Shipping Address 2 <= 1000 characters

Campaign Data 11#

Shipping City <= 500 characters

Example: Musterstadt

Campaign Data 12#

Shipping Region <= 500 characters

Example: Musterregion

Campaign Data 13#

Shipping Postal or ZIP Code <= 200 characters

Example: 12345

Campaign Data 14#

Shipping Country <= 500 characters

Example: DE

Campaign Data 15#

Shipping Phone Number <= 200 characters

Example: +49 4066969123

Campaign Data 16#

Shipping Notes <= 2000 characters

Campaign Data 17#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 18#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 19#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 20#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 21#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 22#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 23#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 24#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 25#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 26#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 27#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 28#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 29#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 30#

No output for this transaction type.

Campaign Data 31#

The database identifier of a supporter who has been identified as the referrer for this transaction

Example: 5348788

Campaign Data 32#

Details about the user agent used when submitting the content. The string consists of key/value pairs that are separated by a ~ (tilde) character.

mobile: N or Y depending on whether the user agent identifies as a mobile device. tablet: N or Y depending on whether the user agent identifies as a type of device classed as a 'tablet'. device: The manufacturer of the type of device used by the user agent. os: The underlying operating system of a user agent. browser: The type of web-browser that was used.

Example: mobile:N~tablet:N~device:APPLE~os:Mac OS X~browser:Firefox 11

Campaign Data 33#

A URL identified as the referral origin for this transaction


Campaign Data 34#

Used to note the origin of incoming page traffic, and is typically passed in links to pages using the query parameter <= 300 characters

Example: linkshare

Campaign Data 35#

An appeal code assigned to this submission.

The code can be considered transactional as it is typically submitted as part of a page submission and associated with the page transaction, however the 'latest' appeal code applied to any supporter submission is also held on the supporter's record. <= 300 characters

Example: EOY

External Reference 1#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_source or by the generic parameter en_txn1. Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 2#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_medium or by the generic parameter en_txn2. Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 3#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_campaign or by the generic parameter en_txn3. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 4#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_content or by the generic parameter en_txn4. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 5#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may be populated using the URL parameters utm_term or by the generic parameter en_txn5. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 6#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn6. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 1 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 7#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn7. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 2 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 8#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn8. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 3 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 9#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn9. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 4 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

External Reference 10#

When used outside of API page processing, this field may also be populated by a user-defined page property [Page > Admin > Campaign References], or by the url query parameter en_txn10. When added as a page parameter, the field is referred to as Campaign Reference 5 in the dashboard settings. If a value is presented in both places, the url query parameter will take precedence. Note: Content will be automatically truncated if the maximum length is exceeded, and the last three characters replaced by '...' to indicate that a string has been truncated. <= 100 characters

Email Address#

The primary email address of a supporter, which will typically be used as the basis for identifying a unique supporter to which any transactions will be associated. <= 500 characters



A supporter's title to be used in salutations <= 50 characters

Example: Dr

First Name#

A supporter's first name <= 500 characters

Example: Otto

Middle Name#

A supporter's middle name <= 500 characters

Example: Niemand

Last Name#

A supporter's last name <= 500 characters

Example: Normalverbraucher

Address 1#

The first line of the supporter's address <= 1000 characters

Address 2#

The second line of the supporter's address <= 1000 characters

Address 3#

The third line of the supporter's address <= 1000 characters


The city in a supporter's address <= 500 characters

Example: Musterstadt


The supporter's region, state, county, province or similar <= 500 characters

Example: Musterregion


The supporter's country <= 500 characters

Example: DE

Phone Number#

The primary phone number for a supporter <= 200 characters

Example: +49 4066969123